LMAF-Little More About Furniture, 

Initiative by Mr Vijay Gogia.

Mr Vijay Gogia is a furniture expert. Most importantly he is in a furniture industry from last 11 years. With the vast experience in office and residential sector. He is ahead with an initiative to provide knowledge about usage and quality of furniture. With the purpose to make general public aware about furniture. what they are purchasing.

LMAF is a Blog page where our experts post about what should one consider before purchasing furniture.

Our Experts organises interview with eminent leaders of furniture industry, architects and interior designers. Moreover they provide us with there practical experience. Consequently knowledge gain from them. give edge to us to provide adequate information to there readers.

Most importantly the aim is  to provide readers with news from the design community before anyone else, LMAF is the place to go for latest architectural and interior design news. moreover readers know what they are reading on LMAF is fresh, enthusiastic and inspired. Because the team is dedicated in research and report of new products and projects every day.  Mr Vijay vision guides LMAF, and its rapid growth in industry proves that best information can be available from here only.

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Prominent Egg Chair

Lounge Chair in PU MOULD

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Inox Ergonomic Chair

Ergonomic Office Chair